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Questions tagged [deepmind]

Google's DeepMind is an artificial intelligence company that works to conduct research and advance the state of the art in machine learning applications. Topics include, science, engineering, research, and ethics.

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what is the environnemental impact of AlphaFold 3?

AlphaFold 3 provides a breakthrough in molecular biology and data science in general. However, its environnemental impact is not known. Any sources giving the impact of an inference in eq CO2 ? cheers
meduz's user avatar
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Can OpenAI's CLIP Model or DeepMind's Flamingo Model Predict Classes Truly Never Before Seen for Zero- or Few-Shot Learning?

One type of statement about zero-shot and few-shot learning in the literature I continually come across is that these models can predict new unseen classes at inference time for which they were never ...
user141493's user avatar
7 votes
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How Exactly Does In-Context Few-Shot Learning Actually Work in Theory (Under the Hood), Despite only Having a "Few" Support Examples to "Train On"?

Recent models like the GPT-3 Language Model (Brown et al., 2020) and the Flamingo Visual-Language Model (Alayrac et al., 2022) use in-context few-shot learning. The models are able to make highly ...
user141493's user avatar
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How are Learned Latent Arrays for the Perceiver Resampler in DeepMind's Flamingo Vision-Language Model Actually Calculated? By which Technique?

In "Flamingo: a Visual Language Model for Few-Shot Learning" (Alayrac et al. 2022) DeepMind makes use of "learned latent queries" in their "...
user141493's user avatar
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Question on embedding similarity / nearest neighbor methods [SCANN Paper]

Question on embedding similarity / nearest neighbor methods: In the DeepMind team writes: For a database of T elements, we can query the approximate nearest neighbors ...
Aditya's user avatar
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Which AI algorithm is best for chess?

I'm working on my chess bot, and I would like to implement simple artificial intelligence for it. I'm new in it, so I'm unsure how to do it specifically on chess. I heard about Q-learning, Supervised/...
Jenia's user avatar
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How to train a policy and a value network, implementing alphazero at chess

So, I'm trying to implement alphazero's logic on the game of chess. What I understand so far of the algorithm is: Load 2 models, one of which is the best model you have so far. Both these models have ...
Gerasimos Delivorias's user avatar
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Any research on relationship between the dimensions of a (word2Vec) space and how the human mind constructs meaning (or reality) through language?

Neuroscience is still trying to "find" how the mind (and language) somehow "works". Is there any theory linking a (low-dimensionality) embedding space (like word2Vec) to a mind (...
Raul Alvarez's user avatar
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Which Policy Gradient Method was used by Google's Deep Mind to teach AI to walk

I just saw this video on Youtube. Which Policy Gradient method was used to train the AI to walk? Was it DDPG or D4PG or what?
learner's user avatar
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On what principle did Google's DeepMind learn to walk?

I just saw this video on Youtube. On what principle did Google's DeepMind learn to walk? Was it Q-Learning or a Genetic Algorithm or Policy Gradient?
learner's user avatar
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Is the "training loop" used in AlphaGo Zero the same as an "epoch"?

I am confused about the training stage of AlphaGo Zero using the data collected from the selfplay stage. According to an AlphaGo Zero Cheat Sheet I found, the training routine is: Loop from 1 to 1,...
ihavenoidea's user avatar
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What does scaling a gradient do?

In the MuZero paper pseudocode, they have the following line of code: hidden_state = tf.scale_gradient(hidden_state, 0.5) What does this do? Why is it there? I'...
Pro Q's user avatar
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AlphaGo Zero loss function

As far as I understood from the AlphaGo Zero system: During the self-play part, the MCTS algorithm stores a tuple ($s$, $\pi$, $z$) where $s$ is the state, $\pi$ is the distribution probability over ...
ihavenoidea's user avatar
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temperature variable in boltzmmann-exploration in reinforcement learning

I have been using epsilon greedy action selection strategy and recently have come across boltzmann(softmax) action selection strategy. One thing I am not clear about boltzmann exploration is the ...
chink's user avatar
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DQN fails to find optimal policy

Based on DeepMind publication, I've recreated the environment and I am trying to make the DQN find and converge to an optimal policy. The task of an agent is to learn how to sustainably collect apples ...
macwiatrak's user avatar
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Game theory in Reinforcement Learning

In one of the recent blog post by Deepmind, they have used game theory in Alpha Star algorithm. Deep Mind Alpha-Star: Mastering this problem requires breakthroughs in several AI research challenges ...
Karthik Rajkumar's user avatar
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Deep Reinforcement Learning for dynamic pricing

I am trying to implement a Deep Q Network model for Dynamic pricing in Logistics. I can define State Space (Origin, Destination, type of the shipment, customer, Type of the product, Commodity of the ...
Karthik Rajkumar's user avatar
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Deepmind conditional neural process: evaluation

Going through the Deepmind jupyter notebook conditional neural processes, the plots at the bottom of the notebook show that the ground truth and the predicted distribution only overlap around the "...
Shadi's user avatar
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