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Using sigmoid in binary DNN output layer instead of softmax?

For a binary DNN, the output is $y_0 + y_1 = 1$ since they are the probability distribution, hence the sum must equate to 1. However, I've been told that $y_1$ is sufficient to represent the output of ...
Maxxx's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Neural Network Classifier Different result

I am using neural network for a binary classification problem (yes or no). My training data set is not that big (39,000 records). After using SMOTE to balance the target, I have 50 input variables ...
Hirotaka Nakagame's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do I use keras NN to classify data after training?

I have defined, trained and saved my tensor keras NN. Now that that is complete how do I use it output classifications to non training data? ...
Alex F's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Algorithm for sequences classification

I want to ask wich algorithm can I use to do a sequences classification , knowing that I have two classes (positive /negative), but training is done using data from one class only (positive). Thank ...
Kahina's user avatar
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Same classification given for neural network regardless of the input

I am using the MNIST classification tutorials on the TensorFlow website to create my own classification program to predict a footballers value using the FIFA 19 dataset. However, when I run my program,...
Sajid's user avatar
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3 votes
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Cost sensitive classification with individual cost

I'm currently sitting on a problem, where i'm uncertain if there is not a much simpler solution. I'm trying to train a DNN with a dataset for a classification task that should be cost sensitive. ...
T.Tos's user avatar
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Preprocess image data to classify objects based on shape

Currently I'm trying to build a neural network that is able to classify different types of bottles on an image solely based on the shape. The bottles have no label and at first I only used beer and ...
Equintox's user avatar
0 votes
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Neural Network Classification Probelm

How can 2-layer networks be used to classify more than two categories? Can it be done just by adding more units/nodes into the existing layers?
Felix Tenn's user avatar
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Accuracy and Loss in MLP

I am trying to explore models for predicting whether a team will win or lose based on features about the team and their opponent. My training data is 15k samples with 760 numerical features. Each ...
dadrake's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Why do we Softmax at all?

Why take softmax at all at the final layer for multi-class classification problems? For example softmax of the vector [1, .5] Is [.621, .379] I mean if we just took the straight ratio, it'd give me [...
katiex7's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why do people use CrossEntropyLoss and not just a softmax probability as the loss?

I don't understand why one would add additional complexity to log, probabilities for the loss function of a classification Neural Network. What benefit does that have, as opposed to just using the 0-1....
katiex7's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to implement hierarchical labeling classification?

I am currently working on the task of eCommerce product name classification, so I have categories and subcategories in product data. I noticed that using subcategories as labels delivers worse results ...
chacid's user avatar
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3 answers

which classification model allows user to choose importance of data inputs?

I am working on a match analytics project where I have to deal with the situation in which I am having some inputs like skills, experience, certifications etc. and my output is candidate selected Yes ...
Abhigyan pandey's user avatar
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Why is recall so high?

I've built a binary classification model based on Keras and I am getting about 70% accuracy, and about 72% precision and 88% recall, making up to 79% F1-Score. I've tried different data models (...
ZelelB's user avatar
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66 votes
5 answers

How to get accuracy, F1, precision and recall, for a keras model?

I want to compute the precision, recall and F1-score for my binary KerasClassifier model, but don't find any solution. Here's my actual code: ...
ZelelB's user avatar
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4 votes
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What could explain a much higher F1 score in comparision to accuracy score?

I am building a binary classifier, which classifies numerical data, using Keras. I have 6992 datapoints in my dataset. Test set is 30% of the data. And validation set is 30% of the training set. ...
ZelelB's user avatar
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Accuracy keep changing by changing randomState of classifier

I try to classify car sound samples. Using MLPClassifier from Scikit. I'm getting very different and confusing test results between 2 different test sets, and I am stuck: Training is done with the ...
Spring's user avatar
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3 answers

How to classify images Neural Network didn't trained to Understand

Let's say I trained a Convolution neural network to Identify Cats , Dogs and wolves . But suddenly I feed it pictures of rabbits and Lions. so how can I classify those as pictures as "Other" I ...
APP Bird's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Using neural network for "features matching" binary classification

We have a dataset of numerical features from two images and we want to check if these images match or not using only these features. Basically we have have these columns: fA1, fA2, ..., fA14: 14 ...
Radhwane Chebaane's user avatar
6 votes
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Is Overfitting always bad?

I have a data set of total 8000 sound samples. These are the results of my multi layer neural network, binary classifier: ...
Spring's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Connect a dense layer to a LSTM architecture

I am trying to implement an LSTM structure in plain numpy for didactic reason. I clearly understand how to input the data, but not how to output. Suppose I give as inputs a tensor of dimension (n, b, ...
Alexbrini's user avatar
3 votes
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training neural network

I was given the task as follows, Scrape articles appearing in Times of India since 2010 on HIV and AIDS. Classify them using training a neural network of your choice. Find patterns in those ...
Sandip Kumar's user avatar
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Creating a neural network, composed of n times a different network. Is it possible?

I'm currently working on a project with a bunch of data of devices that can either belong to people, or not. The ultimate goal is to estimate a number of people detected. Sadly, it is impossible to ...
Opifex's user avatar
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5 votes
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Why doesn't neural networks use the concept of degree of freedom?

In most (if not all) NMIST neural network tutorials you will see that the last two layers reduce to a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and the number of labels is 0-9 for a total of 10 labels. It is well ...
xiaodai's user avatar
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2 answers

NN for fuzzy classification [closed]

What loss-function / optimizer to use for fuzzy classification problems? E.g: Four categories hot, mild, cold, freezing. Edit: I use one-hot encoding and have ~ 60 datapoints.
bastian's user avatar
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Calibrate the predicted class probability to make it represent a true probability?

Let's say that we have a simple binary classification model (a neural network -- NN) for classifying input images as "dog" ($y=1$) or "not dog" ($y=0$). Let's assume that the NN has one "sigmoid ...
kuzand's user avatar
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How to deal with unknown classes with a neural network classifier?

I have a small RNN with a softmax output, which succesfully classifies sequences within a known set of n classes. The model is only trained with known classes. Now I have the problem that there might ...
nilleeee's user avatar
3 votes
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Should estimated probabilities from multi class classification sum to 1

I am using a neural network with sigmoid activation function $h(z) = 1 / {(1+e^{-z})} $ in order to classify image data into 6 categories. When running the trained neural network over new image data, ...
Alex Witsil's user avatar
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Training multi-label classifier with unbalanced samples in Keras

I'm trying to train a keras model that takes in samples, let's say $x_i$ for sample $i$, and predicts multiple independent labels, $\hat{y}_{ij}$, such that $\hat{y}_{ij} = 1$ if the model predicts ...
axolotl's user avatar
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Generating labeled dataset for training a neural network

I am currently working on a project in which i'm supposed to classify whether an image contains a translucent watermark or not. This is hard to do with standard object classification or template ...
GYY52380's user avatar
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Binary classification model with time series as variables

This is probably a simple question. Assume I'm interested in modelling a binary variable, with various covariates, including ones that are time series observations. In the usual modelling approach, ...
runr's user avatar
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How does combining neurons create non-linear boundaries?

I have been working with NNs for a while, but haven't dug too deep into this unfortunately. By looking at the three neurons below, in each of their boxes we can see that they are really just making ...
NorwegianClassic's user avatar
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Multi-Class Neural Networks | different features

This may be a wrong question or something so feel free to correct me :). I have been studying neural networks for weeks now. I came across the multi-class classification model that uses neural ...
U. User's user avatar
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How to use auxiliary target variables only present in train data

Imagining in my train data I have 3 target variables y1, y2 and y3, all binary. My main goal though, is to predict the final variable Y = y1 * y2 * y3. What should be the approach of a model when ...
Skinish's user avatar
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how to split available data into training and testing (Information security)

I was advised to ask my question here. Recently, I made a post about finding suitable dataset for SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) systems. The goal was to work on classification and ...
U. User's user avatar
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2 answers

Best way to build a wave classification system

I want to make a classifier for waves such as following: Above image is from: I believe, I will have to extract features from raw input using ...
rnso's user avatar
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Classifying objects based of a varying number of the same type of feature vector for each object

For a congressional session, I have created a doc2vec model of speeches made. Using the vectors from this model, I have a dataset of each congressperson, their political affiliation, and a list of the ...
RossDeVito's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Neural network for Multiple integer output

I have a data set that contains 135 input features and 132 output values to be predicted. The input features are all numeric floating point values and each output value would be an integer between [0,...
Ali Akber's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What do neural networks learn first?

I'm running some experiments with NNs (actually I'm running an LSTM classifier), and I stumbled across a question I haven't found the answer so far. What do NNs learn first? When we train a network ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Cross entropy loss increase but precision get better

i am working on classification model. my test result shows precision is getting better despite loss is increase. is it just the nature of my data or is there some kind of theoretical explanation?
김동규's user avatar
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Neural network for variable length data classification

How can I create a network which can predict labels of variable lengths data: Training data: ...
rnso's user avatar
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Are there cases where tree based algorithms can do better than neural networks? [duplicate]

I trained an image auto-encoder on a large dataset, and now have for every image, an n-dimensional feature vector. This vector is not spatially correlated to the image. I now used this embedding space ...
sanjeev mk's user avatar
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How can I make use of the labels subdivision in a Deep Learning Image classification? [duplicate]

I want to solve an image classification problem. I want to recognize cats and dogs. However my labels are more detailed than ...
kmichael08's user avatar
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What is the way to modify a neural network classifier to deal with sample points from outside of the label set?

I am solving an image classification problem. However some photos may not belong to any category, and I'd like not to give any fake information, rather to capture this situation. What are the ways to ...
kmichael08's user avatar
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Prediction with unseen values in categorical variables

I have created an Artificial Neural Network with 4 features. I am at the point where I want to test the model with a live sample of a malicious file path/exe using: ...
sectechguy's user avatar
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Build algorithm for Price Prediction/Classification [closed]

lets say I have historical data for prices and some additional information like article, location and maybe text like "higher price in this area due to less competition". Important is, that prices are ...
ASP YOK's user avatar
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Is there any consensus on choosing an appropriate ML approach?

I am studying data science at the moment and we are taught a dizzying variety of basic regression/classification techniques (linear, logistic, trees, splines, ANN, SVM, MARS, and so on....), along ...
Brendan Hill's user avatar
3 votes
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k-means clustering or classification?

Why is choosing the k in the k-means clustering method based on a feature (take a dead or alive patients scenario as an example, k will be 2) considered clustering rather than classification?
Ahmad Ashraf's user avatar
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Can I create pretrain model with tensorflow?

I takes a long time for train neural network model. It have to train every time when I run code. If I get high accuracy from training , Can I use same training model with another code without new ...
user572575's user avatar
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Why is the softmax function often used as activation function of output layer in classification neural networks?

What special characteristics of the softmax function makes it a favourite choice as activation function in output layer of classification neural networks?
user781486's user avatar
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