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Francesco Pegoraro's user avatar
Francesco Pegoraro's user avatar
Francesco Pegoraro
  • Member for 6 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Florence, Metropolitan City of Florence, Italy
5 votes

1x1 Convolution. How does the math work?

4 votes

Confusion matrix logic

3 votes

What is a good way to store processed CSV data to train model in Python?

3 votes

A Neural Network That Learns Bitwise XOR

2 votes

Confusion Matrix

2 votes

How should I retrain my neural network with new images?

2 votes

Keras LSTM accuracy stuck at 50%

2 votes

Is it advisable to combine two dataset?

2 votes

Neural network for Multiple integer output

1 vote

How exactly do I go about extracting features from timestamps for machine learning?

1 vote

Scaling neural networks

1 vote

LSTM for financial data

1 vote

Where is the output in the LSTM?

1 vote

Neural Network - distinguishing between several normalized values is impossible?

1 vote

Can I retrain my keras model on small dataset with some empty folders

1 vote

LSTM for time series - which window size to use

1 vote

Handling imbalanced data by deleting over represented rows vs. adding under represented rows

1 vote

Target data values are not evenly distributed

1 vote

Multi-Source Time Series Data Prediction

1 vote

Is it acceptable for a forecasting model to predict moving averaged version of the data?

1 vote

How can I improve the accuracy of my neural network on a very unbalanced dataset?

1 vote

Neural Network for classifying humans

1 vote

Can someone please explain what this sample function is upto?

0 votes

What is a good method for detection of rare occurencies of speech in noisy audio data?

0 votes

Strange Behavior for trying to Predict Tennis Millionaires with Keras (Validation Accuracy)

0 votes

What does the co-ordinate output in the yolo algorithm represent?

0 votes

How to predict weather?

0 votes

What do I initialise each model in cross validation with in a multi-layer Perceptron?

0 votes

Activity recognition in smart homes with different sources

0 votes

Which ML method would be best for deriving a rough formula for prediction based on existing data?