
enter image description hereI am trying to plot a box plot with the Trinucleotide as the x axis (so 64 trinucleotides on the x axis) and the frequency of each trinucleotide in each of 6 samples then color code the plot according to the sample. This is a snippet of the table and the code I have so far as well as the type of graph I want.


marte <- read_xlsx("TrinucleotideFrequency06182021.xlsx")
marte <- gather (marte, "xzl.mmu.C57.testis.wt.adult.40S_crosslink.rep1+rept1.RPF.trimmed.gz.x_rRNA.x_hairpin.mm10v1.unique.+jxn.bed13.40S.sense.hybrid.utr3.1up.5end.PNLDC1.rep1.bed6", "xzl.mmu.C57.testis.wt.adult.40S_crosslink.rep2+rept2.RPF.R1.trimmed.gz.x_rRNA.x_hairpin.mm10v1.unique.+jxn.bed13.40S.sense.hybrid.utr3.1up.5end.PNLDC1.rep1.bed6", "xzl.mmu.C57.testis.wt.adult.40S_crosslink.rep3+rept3.RPF.R1.trimmed.gz.x_rRNA.x_hairpin.mm10v1.unique.+jxn.bed13.40S.sense.hybrid.utr3.1up.5end.PNLDC1.rep1.bed6", "xzl.mmu.C57.testis.wt.adult.80S_crosslink.rep1+rept1.RPF.trimmed.gz.x_rRNA.x_hairpin.mm10v1.unique.+jxn.bed13.RPF.sense.hybrid.utr3.1up.5end.PNLDC1.rep1.bed6", "xzl.mmu.C57.testis.wt.adult.80S_crosslink.rep2+rept2.RPF.R1.trimmed.gz.x_rRNA.x_hairpin.mm10v1.unique.+jxn.bed13.RPF.sense.hybrid.utr3.1up.5end.PNLDC1.rep1.bed6", "xzl.mmu.C57.testis.wt.adult.80S_crosslink.rep3+rept3.RPF.R1.trimmed.gz.x_rRNA.x_hairpin.mm10v1.unique.+jxn.bed13.RPF.sense.hybrid.utr3.1up.5end.PNLDC1.rep1.bed6",key="gene", value="value")
marte$gene <- as.factor(marte$Trinucleotide)  
marte$group <- as.factor(marte$gene)

ggplot(marte, aes(x = gene, y = value, color = group)) +

enter image description here

head (marte) produces the output below and underneath is a part of the table I am using to generate the plot with the first column as the trinucleotide and the other 6 as each gene respectively.

 Trinucleotide gene   value group
  <chr>         <fct>  <dbl> <fct>
1 AAA           AAA   0.0214 AAA  
2 TAG           TAG   0.0199 TAG  
3 AGC           AGC   0.0132 AGC  
4 TGT           TGT   0.0338 TGT  
5 GAT           GAT   0.0130 GAT  
6 CAC           CAC   0.0112 CAC 
AAA 0.021383202 0.016654469 0.022484448 0.025311535 0.025495724 0.02017925
TAG 0.019927531 0.018790672 0.015649845 0.02230479  0.019363723 0.02017925
AGC 0.013209711 0.016891825 0.014520044 0.014302046 0.014804269 0.012904701
TGT 0.033757832 0.034990209 0.031899462 0.034446096 0.034475058 0.031047513
GAT 0.013006661 0.007615167 0.009163947 0.010540757 0.008234933 0.012000828
CAC 0.011210666 0.015012758 0.01241387  0.011478221 0.011045046 0.013579884
GGG 0.012712095 0.011927132 0.013222864 0.011558249 0.014292494 0.014647108
CGA 0.00230219  0.000969203 0.001325076 0.002034983 0.001656292 0.002036438
TCG 0.004169681 0.007377811 0.005649008 0.005133189 0.006057561 0.006131094
ACA 0.011259284 0.013825979 0.010656401 0.009900537 0.010617015 0.009670358
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Welcome to DataScienceSE. I'm confused about what you're asking, the graph you show is not what you want? If not can you please clarify what you would like to obtain differently? $\endgroup$
    – Erwan
    Commented Jun 20, 2021 at 22:28
  • $\begingroup$ I have an excel sheet with a column that contains trinucleotides and 6 other columns containing the frequency of each trinucleotide in 6 different genes(there are 64 trinucleotides in total). I would like to plot the data in a box plot similar to the one above with the trinucleotide as the x axis and frequency as y axis wit each box representing a gene $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 21, 2021 at 0:04
  • $\begingroup$ Trinucleotide Gene 1 Gene 2. Gene 3. Gene 4. Gene 5. Gene 6 AAG 0.2. 0.6 0.8. 0.9. 0.8. 0.3 ACG 0.09. 0.09. 0.87. 0.45. 0.22. 0.05 GGC 0.1. 0.7. 0.9 0.98. 0.8 0.92 TCA 0.9 0.65 0.5 0.2 0.54 0.09 $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 21, 2021 at 0:08
  • $\begingroup$ Unfortunately I can't attach the table as a comment @Erwan $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 21, 2021 at 0:08
  • $\begingroup$ I managed to post the table on r community if you have a moment to check community.rstudio.com/t/… $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 21, 2021 at 0:10

1 Answer 1


Based on the explanations in the comments, what you need is to format the data so that every sample has the right 'group' label. Since there are only 6 columns I would just do it manually like below.

marte <- read_xlsx("TrinucleotideFrequency06182021.xlsx")

a40 <- data.frame(gene=marte$Trinucleotide,value=marte[,2])
b40 <- data.frame(gene=marte$Trinucleotide,value=marte[,3])
c40 <- data.frame(gene=marte$Trinucleotide,value=marte[,4])
a80 <- data.frame(gene=marte$Trinucleotide,value=marte[,5])
b80 <- data.frame(gene=marte$Trinucleotide,value=marte[,6])
c80 <- data.frame(gene=marte$Trinucleotide,value=marte[,7])

# these should not be necessary:
colnames(a40) <- c('gene','value')
colnames(b40) <- c('gene','value')
colnames(c40) <- c('gene','value')
colnames(a80) <- c('gene','value')
colnames(b80) <- c('gene','value')
colnames(c80) <- c('gene','value')

gp1 <- rbind(a40,b40,c40)
gp1$group <- rep('40s',nrow(gp1))
gp2 <- rbind(a80,b80,c80)
gp2$group <- rep('80s',nrow(gp2))

ggplot(marte, aes(x = gene, y = value, color = group)) +geom_boxplot()+ theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))+coord_flip()


Explanation: for each sample a dataframe which contains only the values coming from the three columns of this sample. The three parts are concatenated by rows (rbind) with the columns gene and value, then the column group is added containing the id of the group (sample) in every row.

For the record, doing boxplots with only two values is not great, a boxplot is supposed to show the distribution of a set of values. I would suggest simple barplots instead, with the two values shown as different bars.

  • $\begingroup$ Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat. $\endgroup$
    – Stephen Rauch
    Commented Jun 22, 2021 at 17:12

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