I have a problem when executing jupyter notebook for CNN in colab pro+, to train a model with a size of 560664x48x48x1. normally the data is composed of images with a size of 48x48. I used 10 fold cross-validation to train the model with the following code : rom sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
from datetime import datetime
from keras import backend as K
#here i will use stratifiedkfold cross validation method
##number of folds
New_Data_train = np.reshape(New_Data_train , [560664,48, 48, 1])
skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=kfold_splits, shuffle=True)
lst_accu_stratified = []
lst_loss_stratified = []
lst_history_stratified = []
# K-fold Cross Validation model evaluation
fold_no = 1
#the folder where i wante to save the models
FOLDER = "CNN_models_09_08_2022"
for k_train_index, k_val_index in skf.split(New_Data_train, New_Y_target):
# Generate batches from indices
xtrain, xval = New_Data_train[k_train_index], New_Data_train[k_val_index]
ytrain, yval = New_Y_target[k_train_index], New_Y_target[k_val_index]
##ici je reinitialise le model temporaire (getting the model of cnn)
model_CNN = get_model()
#j'entraine le modele
h = model_CNN.fit(xtrain,ytrain, epochs=100,batch_size=128)
# evaluate the model
scores = model_CNN.evaluate(xval,yval, verbose=0)
##I save the CNN model for future use.
fold_no = fold_no+1
del model_CNN
#clearing sesssion
after executing the code above colab pro+ crashes because of insufficient GPU Ram and the following exception is raised :
InternalError: Failed copying input tensor from /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0 to /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 in order to run _EagerConst: Dst tensor is not initialized.
can someone explain to me how to optimize this code in order to avoid this exception because it doesn't pass the 3 folds of cross validation. Thanks in advance