Say I have a set S of values, and want to store in a database some summary information about that set, so that later when I acquire a new value v I can make a reasonable estimate of what the summary information would be about the set S ∪ {v} --- although by now I no longer have access to the original members of S. I'd like the summary information to include the mean and variance of these sets, and as minimal additional information as needed. A natural idea for the additional information would be S's cardinality. But I'm willing to save more complicated information about S if needed. My main constraint is to minimize the size of the retained information.
If I only cared about the mean of the sets, then storing the mean plus cardinality of S would obviously be enough. I could update with a new value by just taking a weighted average of the old mean (times the old cardinality) and the new value. But I'd like to be able to keep track of the variance of the sets too. A good estimate is enough; I don't need to be able to reconstruct what the exact mean and variance of S ∪ {v} would be.
I expect that even asking this displays how naive I am about statistics, but I'd appreciate any help. I don't know where to look for answers.