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Questions tagged [neo4j]

Neo4j is an open-source graph database (GDB) well suited to connected data. Please mention your exact version of Neo4j when asking questions. You can use it for recommendation engines, fraud detection, graph-based search, network ops/security, and many other user cases. The database is accessed via official drivers in Java, JavaScript, .Python and .NET, or community-contributed drivers in PHP, Ruby, R, Golang, Elixir, Swift and more.

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How to capture values of cypher and context from GraphCypherQAChain while it is running in a loop

I am using opensource LLama3 without OpenAI or Groq and need to use GraphCypherQAChain to get the cypher and context and use it to generate an answer. But I am unable to capture the values while it is ...
Arindam's user avatar
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Predicting the amount of new nodes discovered if a known node is extended in a graph

I'm currently working on a problem relating to Discord servers (sort of like a group chat within a social media platform), where I have a program recursively joining servers, looking for invites, and ...
Alec Petridis's user avatar
1 vote
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Graph Pattern Matching Library

Assume that in an application, the user gives us a graph and we want to consider it as a pattern and find all occurrences of the pattern in a graph database (like neo4j). If we knew what the pattern ...
Shayan's user avatar
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Building a recommender system [closed]

I want to build a recommender system for shops, where I recommend items. I've learned about these systems like with content-based, collaborative filtering and so on. But now I want to make one on a ...
Learner's user avatar
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1 answer

Convert graph database relationships into node properties [closed]

I have a neo4j database that stores forum posts. Replies to specific posts are encoded using a replyto relationship. I am trying to retrieve all the information ...
Austin Capobianco's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Use cases for graph algorithms and graph data structures in finance and banking

I work in a bank and most data is in tabular format in relational databases. I have been reading about graph algorithms (page rank), graph libraries (spark graphx) and graph databases (neo4j). I would ...
Victor's user avatar
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I want to build a Recommendation System to recommend products to users. This is for research purposes. The context-system the engine will be integrated in is also not build yet. So right now I am ...
TobiasJakob's user avatar
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Neo4j graph to cypher conversion

Is there a way or tools available to generate or retrieve cypher query from a Neo4j database ? Should we need to store cypher quries along with the graph data for regeneration ?
Sreejithc321's user avatar
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2 votes
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Which algorithms should I use for recommendation system using a graph database?

Basically I'm developing a recommendation system using a graph database (specifically neo4j), and I want to apply recommendation algorithms. Since i'm using a graph database, I can see the ...
John Newman's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is it ideally correct to benchmark neo4j as graph processing platform?

I would like to know if neo4j can be considered a graph processing platform, even though i know that: neo4j: is a graph database management system developed by Neo Technology, Inc. Described by its ...
John Newman's user avatar
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2 answers

collaborative filtering using graph and machine learning

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Collaborative filtering based recommendation using machine learning approach and graph based approach ? Say I have user purchase data (user_name, ...
Sreejithc321's user avatar
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How to create separate nodes for each column in a spreadsheet using Neo4J?

I have an excel file containing lot of columns. I want to create a graph database in Neo4J with all these columns as a separate node so that I can establish relationship between them and play around ...
SRS's user avatar
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4 votes
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Use Cases of Neo4J and Spark GraphX

I have used Neo4J to implement a content recommendation engine. I like Cypher, and find graph databases to be intuitive. Looking at scaling to a larger data set, I am not confident No4J + Cypher will ...
sheldonkreger's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Is this Neo4j comparison to RDBMS execution time correct?

Background: Following is from the book Graph Databases, which covers a performance test mentioned in the book Neo4j in Action: Relationships in a graph naturally form paths. Querying, or ...
blunders's user avatar
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