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Questions tagged [apache-mahout]

Apache Mahout is an open source scalable machine learning project

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5 votes
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Using Spark for finding similar users to a user?

I read about but couldn't find a spark library for this implementation. I have columnar string dataset. I have a dataset ...
Nikhil Verma's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Mahout Spark shell not working

I installed Hadoop, Mahout and Spark. I am able to see the Hadoop and Spark MasterWebUI. Moreover, I can also run the following command, ...
Dimag Kharab's user avatar
1 vote
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Unknown program 'spark-itemsimilarity' chosen

I have cloudera CDH5 running inside a virtual box. when I try to run : mahout spark-itemsimilarity .... I get the error: ...
CrazyBrazilian's user avatar
3 votes
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Interpretation of Similarity Number generated by LogLikehood in Mahout

I have a pretty basic question and I was hoping someone could help me. I’m not a math person and I’m fairly new to mahout so I’m looking for a poor’s man explanation. It is a typical order ...
CrazyBrazilian's user avatar
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mahout clusterdump top terms meaning

I apologize that this has been asked and I feel that it may be obvious, but I am wondering exactly what the meaning of the numerical value below from clusterdump: ...
Chris's user avatar
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Recommendation for boolean dataset with apache mahout

I was trying to implement Item based Recommender System with the boolean dataset, Dataset example: ...
pre's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Content based recommendation on Mahout

Is it possible to get recommendation on similar product using Mahout ? eg : I have data set of movies with following attributes Movie_name, Actor_1, Actor_2, Actress_1, Actress_2, Director, Theme, ...
Sreejithc321's user avatar
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collaborative filtering using graph and machine learning

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Collaborative filtering based recommendation using machine learning approach and graph based approach ? Say I have user purchase data (user_name, ...
Sreejithc321's user avatar
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2 answers

Building Recommendation engine with Python

Which all are the equivalent or advanced libraries in Python for building recommendation systems like Mahout for Collaborative Filtering and Content Based Filtering ? Also is there a way to ...
Sreejithc321's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Item Based Collaborative Filtering with No Ratings

I am building a recommender for web pages. For each web page in our data set, we wish to generate a list of web pages that other users have also visited. Our data only shows that a user has either ...
sheldonkreger's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

User profiling with Mahout from categorized user behavior

I'm trying to cluster and classify users with Mahout. At the moment I am at the planning phase, my mind is completely mixed with ideas, and since I'm relatively new to the area I'm stuck at the data ...
Turcia's user avatar
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Parameters for OnlineLogisticRegression function in Mahout

Can anyone tell me where do I find any documentation for parameters like: -stepOffset -alpha -decayExponent in an OnlineLogisticRegression function in ...
Marcin's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Item based recommender using SVD

I have an item-item similarity matrix. e.g. (the matrix is symmetric, and much bigger): ...
Ognjen's user avatar
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1 answer

Mimic a Mahout like system

I have a data set, in excel format, with account names, reported symptoms, a determined root cause and a date in month year format for each row. I am trying to implement a mahout like system with a ...
SRS's user avatar
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N - fold cross validation in mahout

Is there a method/class available in Apache Mahout to perform n-fold cross validation? If yes how it can be done?
Sreejithc321's user avatar
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Creating Data model for mahout recommendation engine

I am trying to build an item-item similarity matching recommendation engine with mahout. The data set is as in the following format ( attributes are in text not in numerals format ) ...
Sreejithc321's user avatar
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