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Why might transforming my features improve the performance on a simple decision tree?

The features & target in my dataset are very skewed. Could anyone explain why transforming the features & target (I'm using a Yeo-Johnson transformation) is significantly improving the ...
O.R's user avatar
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Creating a new feature from an existing one using decision trees

Is it possible to create a new feature out of two, or more than two existing features using a decision tree? If so, how, and can it produce features with good information value that can better help ...
Soumyajit Sarkar's user avatar
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KNN efficient implementation

The KNN algorithm is very handy and particularly suited to some of my problems, but I can't find any resources on how to implement it in production. As a comparative example, when I use a neural ...
Nathan Jodo's user avatar
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Is fitting two RandomForestClassifiers 500 trees each and average their predicted probabilities on the test set more performant than one with 1000?

If I fit two RandomForestClassifiers 500 trees each and average their predicted probabilities on the test set, would it have better results than fitting a RandomForestClassifier with 1000 trees and ...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
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Using a random forest, would a RandomForest performance be less if I drop the first or the last tree?

Suppose I've trained a RandomForest model with 100 trees. I then have two cases: I drop the first tree in the model. I drop the last tree in the model. Would the model performance be less in the ...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
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Improve Precision of a binary classifier - Decision Tree in Python

Currently, I am working on a project. The dataset is balanced roughly in the ratio of 50:50. I created a decision tree classifier. I am achieving decent accuracy (~75%) on validation data but the ...
user3425778's user avatar
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What can I do with a Decision Tree with poor ROC

Let's say I do a Decision Tree analysis. But the performance characteristics are nothing great (e.g. ROC is nothing great). Is there anything I can do with this "not so great" tree. Or do I ...
thanks_in_advance's user avatar