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Weather impact on plant growth

I have a data set that includes the following and am using it to learn more about data science. I have googled a bunch - but can't seem to find any examples on what I am trying to do. I am trying to ...
broccolifarmer's user avatar
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Running multiple times for an LSTM?

I have time-series histogram data from many separate machine runs (see this post for detail). I am working to train an LSTM in order to predict the final histogram in a machine run based on the past ...
Wesley Cheek's user avatar
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2 answers

How to predict a certain time span into the future with recurrent neural networks in Keras

I have the following code for time series predictions with RNNs and I would like to know whether for the testing I predict one day in advance: ...
PeterBe's user avatar
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Prediction method when the time series is not sequential?

I have multivariate time series data consisting of monthly sales of contraceptives at various delivery sites in a certain country, between January 2016 and June 2019. The data looks as follows: The ...
Saïd Maanan's user avatar
3 votes
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Speed up Keras Model Prediction Load Times

I am trying to create a prediction API using keras which loads the model predicts and closes the model. But initializing time in python is about 3-5 secs so each request takes around 5 secs to return ...
Avinash S Karanth's user avatar
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Encoder-Decoder LSTM for Trajectory Prediction

I need to use encoder-decoder structure to predict 2D trajectories. As almost all available tutorials are related to NLP -with sparse vectors-, I couldn't be sure about how to adapt the solutions to a ...
Anil Bora Yayak's user avatar
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*(CATEGORIES[int(prediction[0][0])])* giving me different result for single image prediction from saved model

From a saved model, I am trying to predict a single image. I followed this code - I am getting different result for two different command- ...
Sazida Binta Islam's user avatar
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Stabilize Neural network prediction for class probability

I could not carry my question from stackoverflow I ve been trying to fit a neural network for binary setting using library(keras) and I am interested in class ...
iHermes's user avatar
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Why are Neural Network predictions "correct", but offset from true value? Not using any past lagged values

I recently asked a similar question, but didn't get a response that really addressed/fixed the issue. Additionally, I've done some more work since then. I'm sorry for the long question below, I just ...
Vladimir Belik's user avatar
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Keras Model Predict is not predicting all images flowing from directory?

I have the following code where I have done all the training and passed the testing set as a flow from directory. After that when I pass that object into the model.predict option, the array received ...
Shreyas Mishra's user avatar
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How to make predictions of multiple input samples at once in tf 2 with keras

I am quite confused on the output of model.predict when after training I validate my model on around 6000 samples I use the following pseudo code: ...
julian bechtold's user avatar
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Keras Bidirectional LSTM: low training and validation loss but very bad predictions

I'm training a Bidirectional LSTM using Keras. My task is to predict the words order in a sentence, so, given a sentence, ...
pairon's user avatar
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NN Model accuracy and loss is not changing with the epochs!

I am building a tensorflow model for Heart Disease Prediction data-set. It has a binary outcome (0, 1). Though I am struck with such a low accuracy which is not changing with epochs. ...
Akshat Chaturvedi's user avatar
2 votes
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How to deal with different length entities in a Keras DataGenerator?

I'm solivng a prediction problem where I need to predict the demand of multiple articles based on their performance during the last 7 days. To get the most out of the data I am trying to implement a ...
Bennyo0o's user avatar
4 votes
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Why does MAE differ after prediction (Neural Network)?

I'm having trouble understanding what's happening in the following code. I already have defined x_train, y_train, x_val, y_val and x_test which define my training, validation and test sets. I'm using ...
Shinra_SGr's user avatar
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Making predictions / Loading model in TensorFlow 2.0

I use TensorFlow/Keras on a daily basis to make predictions for a project. Everything works fine but I was getting regular warnings about the transition to TensorFlow 2.0 and I thought this week I ...
serali's user avatar
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Results are too good.. what is wrong? How to predict correctly?

I am about to evaluate a neural network and want to check whether the predictions make sense. The variables: ...
Ben's user avatar
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Validate via predict() or via fit()?

There are several possibilites to evaluate a model: hist =, y_train, (...) validation_data=(x_test, y_test)) or to use <...
Ben's user avatar
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clarification on train, test and val and how to use/implement it

So far I think I understood the differences between the training, test and validation set. Basically it is like in this image: Training set: The data where the model is trained on Validation set: ...
Ben's user avatar
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LSTM get next output with Keras

So I'm learning RNN, and tried to do a prediction LSTM, but I do not understand how the output works. I have this LSTM RNN: ...
Joao Ferreira's user avatar
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Why am a getting wrong prediction when combining two list of samples, which individually gives correct prediction?

So I am coding in Python. I have to set of samples. Set1 contains samples of class A and the other set, Set2 contains samples of class B. These samples taken are a part of the training dataset. When I ...
girl101's user avatar
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Why can't my neural network learn how to predict the squares of natural numbers?

I want my neural network to learn to predict the square $n+1$ number having $n$ number. I am considering a regression problem. That's what I'm doing: ...
SoH's user avatar
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Keras prediction

I have been editing this stock price prediction program. I am new to python programming. I am trying to print the predicted values for the next 10 days. however it is printing the prediction for the ...
Migara's user avatar
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21 votes
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What do "compile", "fit", and "predict" do in Keras sequential models?

I am a little confused between these two parts of Keras sequential models functions. May someone explains what is exactly the job of each one? I mean ...
user3486308's user avatar
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Import the same interval of previous week into the deep model

In a dataset, the data are the average of vehicles speed in the points (cells) of a map. I am trying to build a prediction model. While the inputs are the average of vehicles speed of all points in ...
user7194905's user avatar
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I have to find homography transform parameters which are 8 in number with the help on CNN [closed]

I have to find homography transform parameters which are 8 in number..I m using a pretrained residual network. The problem I am facing is I am not able to use as it takes argument such as ...
Neeraj's user avatar
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How do I use a model after it's fitted to predict the class of a single string?

After a model is built, how can I use it to predict the class of a single string? model.predict() is returning something like ...
Ryan's user avatar
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how to interpret predictions from model?

I'm working on a multi-classification problem - Recognizing flowers. I trained the mode and I achieved accuracy of 0.99. To predict, I did: ...
Jagadeesh Kotra's user avatar
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Time-series prediction/forecast coupled with classification [closed]

I am trying to predict a danger zone. I have a multidimensional time-series data and I want to forecast two timeseries for a defined number of time points. Then, I want to classify my predictions and ...
M-D Hagel's user avatar
4 votes
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Simple prediction with Keras

I want to make simple predictions with Keras and I'm not really sure if I am doing it right. My data looks like this: ...
MonteCristo's user avatar
3 votes
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In Keras how to get the `class_indices` or prediction labels for an existing model

I know that keras provides a .class_indicies dictionary containing the mapping from class names to class as part of ...
Ryan Chase's user avatar
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Test data predictions yield random results when making predictions from a saved model

I am classifying aerial imagery that is tiled into 256x256 tiles using Keras and TensorFlow. The model splits the training data (i.e. the 256x256 image tiles making up the study area) into 70% ...
Borealis's user avatar
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14 votes
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How to Predict the future values of time horizon with Keras?

I just built this LSTM neural network with Keras ...
Nbenz's user avatar
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Error in training a merged model in Keras

I attempted to merge a VGG-16 and ResNet-50 model in Keras to benefit from the combined feature representations toward a binary classification task. I was successful in building and saving the merged ...
shiva's user avatar
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Predictions with arbitrairy sequence length for stateful RNN (LSTM/GRU) in Keras

I have time series data of the following properties: input shape: (num_timesteps, num_features) output shape: (num_timesteps, num_outputs) I reshape it to batch ...
Torben.'s user avatar
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Why is input preprocessing in VGG16 in Keras not 1/255.0

I am just trying to use pre-trained vgg16 to make prediction in Keras like this. ...
kawingkelvin's user avatar
4 votes
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What does a predicted probability really mean, without considering the accuracy of the underlying model?

Say I've built a (completely unrealistic) classification model in Keras that gives me 1.00 accuracy. And next, I would like to use my model on some new, unseen data, and use ...
Monica Heddneck's user avatar