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How to automatically mount my Google Drive to Google Colab

For some reason, Colab allows me to automatically mount if I'm the creator of the notebook. If that's not the case, such was when I create a copy, the ...
Aloha's user avatar
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5 votes

How to change data source names in Google Data Studio

It's not obvious but if you go resource>manage added data sources>edit action on source and then simply click the connection name it's actually a text box and you can rename it there.
JBowley's user avatar
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4 votes

Not able to connect to GPU on Google Colab

In Google Colab you just need to specify the use of GPUs in the menu above. Click: Edit > Notebook settings > and then select ...
Leevo's user avatar
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3 votes

How to automatically mount my Google Drive to Google Colab

Choose the folder icon in the left sidebar. Wait for the runtime to initialize (you will see icons appear under the word "Files" in the sidebar). Choose the Google Drive icon (the hover text ...
Ian's user avatar
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2 votes

Text processing

Since you are going to use TF-IDF representations, you already have a feature matrix. To calculate cosine similairty between all vectors, you can use: ...
Himanshu Rai's user avatar
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How to upload a saved file from google colab to a site such as kaggle or github?

In your directory /miryam/myproject: ...
fuwiak's user avatar
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How google get the 'use over time for' data from the before internet years?

I am not sure if you are familiar with this, but in linguistics there is a term "corpus". It is a large collection of texts used for statisical analysis and other linguistic research, both historical ...
Vitaly Gorbachev's user avatar
2 votes

Identifying users based on smartphone data (Google)

Even I was unable to find a paper on sucha topic by Google. But, I can discuss some features which Google might be using to uniquely identify its users based on smartphone data. Fingerprint scanning: ...
Shubham Panchal's user avatar
2 votes

How to automatically mount my Google Drive to Google Colab

I was working on a google colab project, after a while I decided to copy the work and rename it as a new version (manual type of git control). After doing this I noticed that my google drive doesn't ...
Johan Fick's user avatar
2 votes

what is Tensorflow Quantum(TFQ)?

I'm one of the SWEs who worked on TensorFlow Quantum. I'll do my best to answer your three questions. TensorFlow Quantum is a piece of software to incorporate the quantum computing primitives in Cirq ...
Michael's user avatar
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2 votes

ValueError: Error when checking input: expected conv2d_25_input to have shape (144, 256, 3) but got array with shape (256, 144, 3)

Clearly, there is this inconsistency between the shape of input images: target_size = (image_width, image_height) and the input shape of the model: ...
today's user avatar
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2 votes

How to import large datasets into Google Colab?

One option is that you can download the dataset into your system and save it in an easily accessible directory. Then, run the following codes: ...
Mujeebur Rahman's user avatar
2 votes

Can I run falcon-7b on a free google colab?

Yes there are a couple things you can do to fit the model into google colab's disk. Reduce the batch size for train and test. This will reduce the GPU memory used for each epoch. Default size set in ...
spectre's user avatar
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Were any LLMs trained on Google books?

Were any LLMs trained on Google books? We don't know. Not all LLM creators disclose their training set, but AFAIK only Google has access to all Google books, and Google didn't disclose if they ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes

How does Google's 'showing results for' work?

First of all, no one knows how google search works except what google officially publishes. But I give you a simple algorithm for query correction (I have implemented this previously in production). ...
Kasra Manshaei's user avatar
1 vote

Does Google DeepMind's Gemma 7B models specs have inconsistent dimensions?

From the annotated transformer link - For the positionwiseFeedForward network: D_model = 512, and the inner layer has dimensionality dff ...
brewmaster321's user avatar
1 vote

Google Colab conda packages permanently installation

There is no way to permanently install packages because the code is run on virtual machines that are sometimes recycled. You'll need to install it each time. From the FAQ: Where is my code executed? ...
Brian Spiering's user avatar
1 vote

How Google Trends is normalized?

First of all, are you pulling data for one query at a time? If you put more than one query the data for each query will be normlised in regards to the other queries in the request. So if you put ...
PhilipTsv's user avatar
1 vote

what is Tensorflow Quantum(TFQ)?

1. what is TensorFlow Quantum? Similar to PyTorch, Tensorflow, TFQ is one of the python based framework used to build Quantum Machine Learning models on top of QPU by designing required Circuits and ...
Durga K's user avatar
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Google data studio: How to order a dimension?

Sort like this: Hope this works, and I'm adding extra words to fulfill minimum character count.
Raymond Tran's user avatar
1 vote

How to load numerous files from google drive into colab

There could be a few reasons why you are only seeing 13k images after unzipping the file. One possibility is that the zip file only contains 13k images, and not 30k as you expected. Another ...
Mohith7548's user avatar
1 vote

How to load numerous files from google drive into colab

One possible option would be operate directly on the zip files using zipfile.ZipFile. Counting the number of items in a zip file: ...
Brian Spiering's user avatar
1 vote

How to use Kaggle Api in Google Colab for directly using dataset?

Step 1 - Refer the Kaggle doc to understand the API basics and to get your key Step 2 - Use these LoC - ...
10xAI's user avatar
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Error with Jupyter Notebook and Google Cloud

Same issue here. Oddly enough I had another instance regirested before in the same way and it all worked. Unsure what is going on, but suspecting the VM is rejecting to connect for some reason.
Irina Timoshenko's user avatar
1 vote

Using Google Translate API to create a Translation Dataset

In terms of using the data for initial training of a machine learning model, it is a very good idea, because Google Translate produces exceptional results, which will give yo very good ideas about how ...
adng's user avatar
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Using Google Translate API to create a Translation Dataset

It depends. Google Translate works very good with some pairs of languages, and not good on others. Based on my personal experience, translating from North-European languages (Dutch, Danish, Swedish) ...
Leevo's user avatar
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Google NLP AutoML

I don't think you will find details of this resource hanging around - it is trade secret. My bet is Google first trains a huge language model as base, and let users fine-tune it with their own data, ...
lpounng's user avatar
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Does anyone know how google play music's recommendation engine works?

Deep neural networks, probably with tens of internal layers, distributed across many many machines. Each user probably receives scores from many deep networks for various applications, and each ...
Dan Jarratt's user avatar
1 vote

Connecting Infusionsoft data to Google data studio

It's not free, but it is the best option that I've found... MyFusionHelper will let you auto export any saved report in IFS to Google Sheets with one of its features. Then when you connect Data Studio ...
twolf's user avatar
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Connecting Infusionsoft data to Google data studio

I'm starting to look at this now, to start with simply on batched/CSV export/import process pushing data into Google BigQuery first and using it as a source in DataStudio. I've thought about how to ...
Andre Lackmann's user avatar

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