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qmeeus's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
37 votes

Early stopping on validation loss or on accuracy?

4 votes

Machine learning - 'train_test_split' function in scikit-learn: should I repeat it several times?

2 votes

Seemingly good results with training a CNN but bad when testing

2 votes

How do we implement a custom loss that backpropagates with PyTorch?

2 votes

ValueError: Error when checking input: expected conv2d_13_input to have shape (3, 150, 150) but got array with shape (150, 150, 3)

2 votes

How do you retrain a model as new data comes in?

2 votes

Random Forest always predicting the majority class

1 vote

Scoring vectors by "distinctness"

1 vote

Getting value of 2 in normalized confusion matrix

1 vote

How to change parameters in LSTM for multivariate binary classification time series?

1 vote

Which courses should I take in order to learn ML and AI?

1 vote

Encoding categorical data with pre-determined dictionary

1 vote

Can time series foundation models be used for classification?

1 vote

Efficacy of model depends on scaling?

1 vote

ROC curve for deep learning

1 vote

Ways to create simulated numerical data based on small sample (using Python)?

1 vote

Suspected Exploding Gradient in Character Generator LSTM

1 vote

Label Encoder encoding the same class as two integers

1 vote

Batch data before feed into CNN network

0 votes

Binary classificaiton for weather data if its class 1 or class 0 alert

0 votes

How to recommend items after finding similar users in recommendation system

0 votes

ML technique to predict next year output based on text quantities

0 votes

How can I detect patterns and/or keywords or phrases?

0 votes

parsing dictionary to JSON

0 votes

A way to init sentence embedding for unsupervised text clustering, better than glove wordvec?

0 votes

Are hidden markov models limited to just bigrams?

0 votes

Why does tanh activation work better with Pytorch than with Keras?

-1 votes

Remove columns with a certain number of consecutive zeros