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Convert image of table into numeric

I often face the task of extracting tabular data that comes in difficult-to-parse form, most frequently as image or non-parsable PDF. I would like to write (in Java or Python) an OCR tool that reads ...
robot_2077198's user avatar
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Why does an image is made of many images?

I download an image and I show it using Python. image = imread('spheres.jpg') print(image.shape)#(398, 429, 3) As we can notice, the image shape has 3 dimensions....
HelpNeederStudent's user avatar
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2 answers

DBScan for image segmentation and clustering: how does it work?

I think I have understood the DBScan algorithm for 2D data points. We can consider the example in scikit-learn. They generate a set of data points: ...
HelpNeederStudent's user avatar
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Downsampling an image in the right way

I was not shure where to ask this question, but SE Data Science seems to be the best place for it. So I tried to build a CNN based super resolution model. Unfortunately I have only high-res images but ...
Lockhart 's user avatar
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How does ChatGPT-4o work on text + image data?

What known state of art techniques might ChatGPT-4o, Claude 3 or other similar systems be using to understand both text and image data? I noticed that ChatGPT-4o can recognize text in an image well. ...
user163246's user avatar
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What's the intuitively best option for preprocessing images of varying aspect ratios and resolutions?

We've got a complex pipeline that produces a crop of the minimum possible subset image that includes all useful information. We've got a number of customers using various models on these images, and ...
Tal's user avatar
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Fine-tuned Stable Diffusion not converging with custom encoder

I'm currently fine-tuning a stable diffusion model for the task of dataset augmentation. I am training the model on 80k images from hte CelebA-attributes dataset, replacing the text encoder with ...
Tomas Premoli Muniagurria's user avatar
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Why do object detection model adversarial masks look different from those of image classifiers?

I was messing around to observe the behavior for adversarial attacks on image classifiers, and decided to try it with an object detector as well. I realize that inference time attacks are more complex ...
Soumil Datta's user avatar
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Handwritten text to digital versions - software, libraries, options

What types of (presumably machine learning) software/libraries exist for taking handwritten text in tables into a digital format? The tables may not always be the same. So I assume it might be fairly ...
Socorro's user avatar
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How to get the wattage recorded by a dlsr from an image?

I am doing a physics lab where I need to take photos of a light and the intensity of the light changes. I have the photos but I need to understand how to get the average wattage from the images. There ...
Watch With Veer's user avatar
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Reinstalling Orange Add-on over again

After I upgraded to the latest orange version (3.36.2), I observed that whenever I install an add-on, for instance, Bioinformatics, when I close and reopen the orange software, all the new add-ons are ...
Ayodeji Samuel's user avatar
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Can't show images outputted by a VAE with pyplot.imshow - wrong dimensions

I'm trying to show images generated by a variational autoencoder using pyplot.imshow and make_grid. I can't show them, though, with the following error: "TypeError: Invalid shape (64, 530, 42) ...
avpol's user avatar
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Images used in training CNN model

I am training a CNN with RGB images, however, when i plot them, they display in a bluish color. How can I have these display in RGB. Also do you think this affects the model accuracy? The code i am ...
Se Rai's user avatar
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How to use additional features in image captioning?

I have the following question - is it possible to train a model based on Transformer architecture to use additional attributes to generate a caption for an image? For example, I have a dataset with ...
Jeremy Cuberian's user avatar
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Import image as array in Orange

I would like to import a PNG image as an 2D array or "flattened" as a vector (e.g. row of a table) in orange such that, e.g., one can use all pixel values as input for PCA or for descriptive ...
BanDoP's user avatar
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How to remove the hotspots from given image by using Python and opencv?

In the picture below there are some regions which are very bright (i.e. more white). Some bright regions are wide and some are narrow or thin. The red box covers one such wide bright spot, and blue ...
S. M.'s user avatar
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Which approach to determine the size of an object to be placed given the sizes of the existing objects in a scene?

I am working on an automated approach to object-based data augmentation. The goal of the approach would be to add a selected object to an existing image. To automate this task, information is needed ...
syrine's user avatar
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OpenCV add/subtract functions produce different results from numpy array add/subtract

Im trying to brighten and dim an image using OpenCV with two approaches. Approach 1: Used OpenCV's add and subtract functions to ...
Somanna's user avatar
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What are some methods to convert time series data into images for CNN?

I am working on a project where I have specific time series data which I would like to convert to images. I have investigated various methods, such as Markov Transition Fields, Gramian Angular Fields, ...
Zelreedy's user avatar
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Is it possible to reverse the layers of a convolutional neural network?

From my understanding typically a convolutional neural network has a matrix (e.g. an image) as input and output is either an integer or a vector of integers in regression and in classification a ...
sayuri's user avatar
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what labeling format has negative Bbox values in labels?

I have a labeled dataset for object detection few thousands of images with annotation on csv file the csv contains these columns image_path, class, xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin looks like Pascal voc format ...
Mustafa Alahmid's user avatar
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Autoencoder: How should hidden layer be used?

I'm building a variational autoencoder to generate faces. I'm using gray-scale images with the size 30x30. I started with a very simple model: Input Layer, 900 nodes, values 0-1 Latent Space, 10 nodes ...
lev1248's user avatar
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Python train convolutional on numerical values shape issue

I want to train a convolutional neural network autoencoder on a csv file which contains values pixel neighborhood position of an original image of 1024x1024. When I try to train it, I have the ...
user979974's user avatar
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Image is rendered when I run jupyter notebook locally, but the image is not rendered when I see the same jupyter notebook on github

I went on github issues to find solutions from people who has similar issue but none of them worked for me. Can someone please help?
Nerdy19's user avatar
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Which loss function to use for a convolution NN for noise removal of high resolution images

My task is to remove small random spots from my 4 mega pixel images. My strategy was to feed a convolution network these images as I have the true images without the spots in them. The current loss ...
ando's user avatar
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4 answers

Validation Loss Not Increasing

I am trying to sanity-check my binary image classification model. I am training it to overfit on 20 samples, now theoretically training loss should decrease and validation loss should increase. ...
Beginner's user avatar
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What is Typical Variation Normalization?

I was reading this paper and came across a term "Typical Variation Normalization". What does that mean intuitively and formally? Any resources I can refer to know more about it?
vasudev-sharma's user avatar
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how to label 3d model for segmentation task

I'm working on 3d meshes dataset, i have to label it to train my deep learning model for a segmentation task like the picture shows. I spent days looking for a tool to label my 3d data but ...
hamza mon's user avatar
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How to integrate the PNG Graph with OBIEE

R generated PNG output store in the BLOB column of Oracle Database table as a image. We would like to show this PNG output in obiee12c dashboard. How can we do it?
nakano karim's user avatar
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How to break a binary image mask into multiple masks?

I have image with binary mask. I want to break the binary mask into many individual masks of same dimension, but each mask should contain only one segmentation mask. Is there a way to do it in python, ...
Ianmoone444's user avatar
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What algorithms exist for identify repeating patterns in a single image?

I am looking for algorithms or models for detecting and identifying repeated patterns in a single image. For example, an arbitrary smaller image might be pasted at random locations in the image. In ...
dannycbus's user avatar
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What kind of data structure should I use for this data?

I've been using Pandas with the exhaust data from my job for about 2 years now, but I think I've somewhat outgrown strictly tabular data structures. My problem: I work for a large logistics company (...
rangeseeker's user avatar
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Image Preprocessing [closed]

I'm working on a use case where I need to pre process the image for my AIML model evaluation and I want to count all black pixels in RGB image. Instead of iterating rows*column, I'm looking for some ...
vipin bansal's user avatar
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Noise free image dataset [closed]

Presently, I am working on image denoising using CNNs. I am curious where I can find a noise-free image dataset? I am looking for real-world images but not the dataset that belongs to MNIST.'s user avatar
3 votes
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How to replace the clothes of person using GAN?

I have one source video, let us say if the person is standing or walking in the video, the person's clothes should swap with the destination image (contain the picture of any clothes). I would like to ...
Hamza's user avatar
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ValueError: Layer model expects 2 input(s), but it received 3 input tensors using generator

I am trying to fit a model using generator function and I get the following error: ...
manix velu's user avatar
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How to convert the image into frontal?

I have to complete the project in which I have to apply some techniques or model to images . My aim is to convert the image to frontal/straight when it comes to skewed , sheared or any transformation. ...
Hamza's user avatar
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Difference between grayscaled and binary mnist dataset

When making a cnn you could use the classic mnist dataset containing grayscale images. I am considering transforming them to simple binary images instead, the questions is should i? It will be much ...
David Bacelj's user avatar
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TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'num_features'

I was trying to denoise image using Deep Image prior. when I use ResNet as an architecture i am getting error. ...
harsha's user avatar
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How to feed high resolution images to the model?

I want to do object detection , normally we have a size of image 256 x 256 or 128 x 128 but what if we want to feed high ...
Hamza's user avatar
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Why Uniformity of subpixel in image analysis ensures correctness

I don't know if its right place to ask this question. I was working on particle tracking of series of pictures (.tiff) of colloids. And I was Using trackpy in python. The code gives me the position of ...
crabNebula's user avatar
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Improve CNN model for image classification

I'm using transfer learning with VGG16 for image classification. I have 6 classes each one with more than 20k images, I'm trying to improve my accuracy but after many tests I still don't have good ...
Lema Zaidi's user avatar
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Jupyter, Python: the kernel appears to have died while training a model on a big amount of data

I am training my model on almost 200 000 images, i'm using Jupyter and now after 3 days of training ( i used 800 epochs and batch-size = 600) I have this " the kernel appears to have died. It ...
Lema Zaidi's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Why do we need to concatenate in a U-Net?

You might be familiar with the U-Net, a machine learning network deceived for image segmentation. It's basically an encoder/decoder network with some direct links between encoder and decoder segments: ...
henry's user avatar
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Deep learning model for more than 3000 classes, Image classification with CNN

I want to create a CNN for image classification but I have more than 3000 classes in my dataset, is this possible in deep learning ? Can anyone help!
Lema Zaidi's user avatar
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Computing SVD through Eigendecomposition of correlation matrix

I am following the excellent series on SVD by Steve Brunton from the University of Washington, on YouTube, but I have trouble interpreting his 4th video on the subject. If I understand correctly, he ...
chuchvara's user avatar
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CNN for image classification with two outputs

Is it possible to classify my images (cars parts) by the type of cars part(door, window ...) and also by the view of the image( front, back, right, left, top and bottom). My pictures are labelled like ...
Lema Zaidi's user avatar
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Image parameters for SRGAN

In some implementations of SRGAN I've noticed, that datasets consist of the high-resolution images and the low-resolution images are created later by, e.g. resizing (decreasing the size) hr-images. ...
ans's user avatar
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Detecting original vs. edited (reposted / recompressed) image

I'm trying to create something to help solve this problem: My goal is that, given two images where one is an edit of the other, produce a system that outputs which one is most likely to be the ...
No idea what I'm doing's user avatar
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What would be the best way to combine several denoised images and achieve superior denoising results? [closed]

I have generated denoised images using several models and would like to create an ensemble of these individual images to achieve superior denoising results. What would be the best way to combine (...
shiva's user avatar
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