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Questions tagged [tools]

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14 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What is the difference between Pachyderm and Git?

I learned that tools like Pachyderm version-control data, but I cannot see any difference between that tool with Git. I learned from this post that: It holds all your data in a central accessible ...
Lerner Zhang's user avatar
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Tool for visualizing long time series data

I am searching for a software / tool / R package (any of these) that enables easy visualization of a time series. My problem is the following: I have a multiple time series with 7 attributes I want ...
Steffen Moritz's user avatar
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Cloud-based visual tool to perform NLP on text corpora

I have some text corpora to share with non-programming clients (~50K documents, ~100M tokens) who would like to perform operations like regex searches, co-locations, Named-entity recognition, and word ...
Strabonio's user avatar
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UI-based Tool for Qualitative Evaluation of Data Quality

Dear DS StackExchange community, I'm currently searching the interwebs for a (near-)ready-to-use solution, to perform a qualitative evaluation of extracted features from video data. In my head the ...
SherabWangchuk's user avatar
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Suggestions for Open-Source Tool for Image Classifications (with Nesting)

I'm looking for an open source tool to assist my colleagues and I to label images for a machine learning application. We don't actually need bounding boxes or anything to pinpoint regions within each ...
Nat Aes's user avatar
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Is there a way to test out simple filters before committing to coding them?

Is there a way to test out simple filters before committing to coding them? Like if I want to estimate the feasibility of recognizing some features from images. Or to estimate the effort/...
mavavilj's user avatar
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App or Service to QA 80,000 classified images?

I've been reviewing services and apps for the past week and my head is exploding. I just haven't found the right one yet, but I know it has to be out there, so I'm turning to the collective wisdom ...
Scott Smith's user avatar
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Any Hadoop Tool to Annotate Text

I have large text files on HDFS... I would like to label some text in those files to improve text analysis? Do you know of any tool like that?
SequentialMike's user avatar
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Finding relationships in datasets and predicting data

I'm a .NET developer trying to learn more about AI/Machine Learning. I have a dataset with few variables and known results. I'm looking for a language/framework/tool/approach to analyze the data and ...
Kye's user avatar
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Is there a machine learning framework that supports partial evaluation ie can return a function?

Is there a machine learning framework that supports partial evaluation? For example: We train on [model, year, km, ..., colour, price]. Today we call ...
Adam Bittlingmayer's user avatar
1 vote
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What tools are out there to collect participants' browsing and/or search data as part of an experiment?

I'm running an experiment where I need to collect and analyse participants' browsing and search histories. The design of the experiment is similar to an "instrumented user panel", described here:http:/...
Elise's user avatar
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Managing the convenience of downloading data to your laptop VS the security risk of having data in a laptop that is less secure than the cloud

As datascientists and ML engineers, we have often pulled data into our laptops to explore and even to prototype models. But laptops are are not secure as services within the company's cloud, and this ...
GuSuku's user avatar
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Interactive image segmentation training tool

I have a bunch of 2D grayscale images for which I want to train a (multi-label) segmentation model. What is the simplest way to interactively train such a model? I.e., I want to: Label a (very) few ...
Eike P.'s user avatar
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Preparation for data scientist interviews/job for final year PhD student in ML theory

I would like to check/ask if there is anything particular that I need to prepare for data scientist interviews. I am quite unsure/lost about the requirements since I am coming from academia (see my ...
Resu's user avatar
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