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Green Falcon's user avatar
Green Falcon
  • Member for 7 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
  • GitHub
  • Far far from the earth, in the sky, near a cloud
47 votes

Does gradient descent always converge to an optimum?

28 votes

Keras difference beetween val_loss and loss during training

28 votes

Why do convolutional neural networks work?

28 votes

How to set the number of neurons and layers in neural networks

20 votes

Can the number of epochs influence overfitting?

18 votes

Dropout on which layers of LSTM?

17 votes

What are the pros and cons of Keras and TFLearn?

16 votes

How to add non-image features along side images as the input of CNNs

15 votes

What is LSTM, BiLSTM and when to use them?

15 votes

cosine_similarity returns matrix instead of single value

14 votes

When are weights updated in CNN?

14 votes

What are the differences between Convolutional1D, Convolutional2D, and Convolutional3D?

13 votes

Should we apply normalization to test data as well?

13 votes

What is the input size of Alex net

13 votes

Why is ReLU used as an activation function?

12 votes

How to maximize recall?

12 votes

How does Sigmoid activation work in multi-class classification problems

11 votes

The differences between SVM and Logistic Regression

11 votes

Is there any proven disadvantage of transfer learning for CNNs?

10 votes

Does Tensorflow support a Decision Tree Classifier?

10 votes

Beginner math books for Machine Learning

10 votes

Input normalization for ReLu?

9 votes

Are CNNs insensitive to rotations and shifts in images?

9 votes

What is difference between Fully Connected layer and Bilinear layer in CNN?

9 votes

What are the cases where it is fine to initialize all weights to zero

9 votes

Batch normalization vs batch size

8 votes

Why does the naive bayes algorithm make the naive assumption that features are independent to each other?

8 votes

Is there a person class in ImageNet? Are there any classes related to humans?

8 votes

Are there any differences between Recurrent Neural Networks and Residual Neural Networks?

8 votes

In supervised learning, why is it bad to have correlated features?

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