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Why are the second-order derivatives of a loss function nonzero when linear combinations are involved?

I'm working on implementing Newton's method to perform second-order gradient descent in a neural network and having trouble computing the second order derivatives. I understand that in practice, ...
bsluther's user avatar
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Keep Error Gradient From Being to High Torwards Input Levels

During Gradient Descent, after the error goes from each neuron down to the input layer, it gets really high. How do I fix this?
Johnny Joestar's user avatar
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My custom neural network is converging but keras model not

in most cases it is probably the other way round but... I have implemented a basic MLP neural network structure with backpropagation. My data is just a shifted quadratic function with 100 samples. I ...
tymsoncyferki's user avatar
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CS 224N Back Propagation and Margin Loss in Neural Networks

I was going through Stanford CS 224 lecture notes on Back propagation. Page 5 states: We can see from the max-margin loss that: ∂J /∂s = − ∂J/∂s(c) = −1 I'm not sure I understand why this is the ...
Hormigas's user avatar
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Runtime Error: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation:

I have the following code for a reinforcement learning using proximal policy optimization. It gives the following run time error. ...
heyula's user avatar
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Are "textbook backpropagation" still relevant?

The above backpropagation algorithm is taken from Shalev Shwartz and Ben-David's textbook: Understanding Machine Learning. This algorithm is described in the same way as the one in Mostafa's textbook, ...
Fraïssé's user avatar
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This simple python Feed forward Neural Network isn't learning. What am I doing wrong?

The backpropagation procedure is taken from the approach outlined in here. Here is the code, commented: ...
blundered_bishop's user avatar
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How is the backward propagation is done in pytroch? When to use torch.no_grad, also when and where is the gradinte calcuated?

I have this training loop in pytorch. the loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() and optim = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=lr) <...
Ahmed Gado's user avatar
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Gradients of lower layers of NN when gradient of an upper layer is 0?

Say we have a neural network with an input layer, a hidden layer and an output layer. Say the gradients with respect to the weights and biases of the output layer are all 0. Then, by backpropagation ...
VJ123's user avatar
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Neural Nets: Difference between activation and activation function, error on Wikipedia?

I'm reading the Wikipedia page on backpropagation and have some questions about the following equations: $$ \frac{d C}{d a^L}\cdot \frac{d a^L}{d z^L} \cdot \frac{d z^L}{d a^{L-1}} \cdot \frac{d a^{L-...
Nick's user avatar
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What exactly is Gradient norm?

I found that there is no common resource and well defined definition for "Gradient norm", most search results are based on ML experts providing answers which involves gradient norm or papers ...
StudentV's user avatar
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GAN Generator Backpropagation Gradient Shape Doesn't Match

In the TensorFlow example ( the discriminator has a single output neuron (assume batch_size=1). Then over in the training loop ...
rkuang25's user avatar
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Can a Simple Neural Network Predict a 0 or 1 Output by Looking Only at the Last Input?

I wrote a simple neural network that functions similarly to many of the C# examples I've seen online. It uses weights and biases and can be trained using backpropagation. It works well for ...
user1325179's user avatar
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How does Back Propagation in a Neural Net Work?

I understand that, in a Neural Net, Back Propagation is used to update the model's weights and biases to lower loss, but how does this process actually work?
Connor's user avatar
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Why backpropagation is done in every epoch when loss is always scalar?

I understand the backpropagation algorithm that it calculates the derivate of loss with respect to all the parameters in the neural network. My question is this derivate is constant right because the ...
Jeet's user avatar
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Back propagation matrix shape error using Python

I wanna implement the back-propagation algorithm in python with the next code ...
Al.Vioky's user avatar
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calculating derivative of bias in backpropagation

Looking at the algorithm in wikipedia, we can implement backpropagation by calculating: $$\delta^{L}=\left(f^{L}\right)'\cdot\nabla_{a^{L}}C$$ (where I treat $\left(f^{L}\right)'$ as an $n\times n$ ...
Ariel Yael's user avatar
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evaluation of gradient for the subset of parameters using backpropagation

Consider simple feed-forward neural network with few layers. I would like to evaluate only gradients of one particular layer, denoted by X. This should be performed repetitively, while parameters of ...
student1's user avatar
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Backtracking filter coefficients of Convolutional Neural Networks

I'm starting to learn how convolutional neural networks work, and I have a question regarding the filters. Apparently, these are randomly generated when the model is generated, and then as the data is ...
Juan Cruz Carrau's user avatar
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Is Loss value (e.g., MSE loss) used in the calculation for parameter update when doing gradient descent?

My question is really simple. I know the theory behind gradient descent and parameter updates, what I really haven't found clarity on is that is the loss value (e.g., MSE value) used, i.e., multiplied ...
AZ123's user avatar
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How to plot the computational graph and derive the update procedure of parameters using the backpropagation algorithm?

Please help me to solve this problem without a code (ps: this is a written problem): Given the following loss function, please plot the computational graph, and derive the update procedure of ...
Nezuko's user avatar
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How to compute backpropagation gradient according chain rule for using vector/matrix differential?

I have some problems for computing derivative for sum of squares error in backprop neural network. For example, we have a neural network as in picture. For drawing simplicity, i've dropped the sample ...
Grigogiy Reznichenko's user avatar
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Help Creating a XOR Neural Network in Java?

I have been trying to create a neural network in Java, but it doesn't quite work as intended. I am using a XOR test before I move on to more advanced problems, and it doesn't seem to be learning much....
Mason's user avatar
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Is my calculation of the partial derivative of the cost function with respect to a single weight in the first layer correct?

I'm trying to understand the chain rule of backpropagation. This is what I understood. Is it correct? $$ \frac{\partial E }{ \partial w} = \sum_{i} \frac{\partial E }{ \partial a_i^{(l)} } (\sum_{j} \...
Mylisteofanime nexv's user avatar
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Derive backpropagation for PreLU

I want to derive the back propagation functions for the Parametric Relu activation function which is defined as follows: $$ h_a(x) = \text{max}(ax, x) $$ I want to derive $ \frac{\partial L}{\partial ...
Casper's user avatar
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What changes is the Neural Network back-propagation algorithm doing on the weights?

I have seen the formula for back-propagation algorithm for neural network error minimization, but I am not quite sure about what changes it is performing on the weights individually. Let us suppose a ...
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Jacobian calculation: Partial derivatives of network outputs respect to inner layers in feedforward neural network

I'm having hard times in deriving a Jacobian (derivative of final network outputs respect to all network parameters!) for a neural network that you see in the picture below. It's about two level ...
user3223137's user avatar
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Force neural network to only product positive values

I have a custom neural network that has been written from scratch in python and also a dataset where negative target/response values are impossible, however my model sometimes produces negatives ...
Sharma's user avatar
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How to train a deep neural network to return the input as it is?

The task is to train a neural network to return the input as it is, like X -> X or Y -> Y. The network should contain at ...
Kaiyakha's user avatar
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Implementing computational graph and autograd for tensor and matrix

I am trying to implement a very simple deep learning framework like PyTorch in order to get a better understanding of computational graphs and automatic differentiation. I implemented an automatic ...
Sahand Zoufan's user avatar
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Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) Vanishing gradient problem - Why does it affect earlier timesteps more?

I understand the concept of backpropagation in standard neural networks and backpropagation through time with RNNs, why this causes exponentially smaller gradients at earlier time steps and most of ...
jim22394's user avatar
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Differentiating vector with different operation on each elements

I have some idea about how backpropagation would work for a loss function like: loss=summation(predicted-true)^2 Where predicted and true are vectors of the same ...
BRUCE's user avatar
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Dummy Variables of Weights in RNN Backpropagation Through Time

In the deep learning book RNN chapter (, it is mentioned that - To resolve this ambiguity, we introduce dummy variables $W^{(t)}$ that are defined to ...
KKGanguly's user avatar
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Vanishing gradient problem

In a neural network, does gradient vanish during a great number epochs as well, rather that only vanishing through different layers?
Domenico Bagnato's user avatar
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Padding in Convolution Formula

Why is it that the formula for each element in a convolution between an image $I$ and a $k \times k$ sized kernel $K$ is $$ (I*K)_{ij}=\sum_{m=0}^{k-1}\sum_{n=0}^{k-1}I_{(i-m),(j-n)}K_{mn}=\sum_{m=0}^{...
dontloseyourgoalie's user avatar
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Tensor Backpropagation

I tried to make simple neural network layers as the following, including forward and backward propagation. Here is my reference. Firstly I assume an one layer FC: $Y = X \cdot W + B$ X is input, which ...
qqaatw's user avatar
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Gradient passthough in PyTorch

I need to quantize the inputs, but the method (bucketize) I need to do so is indifferentiable. I can of course detach the tensor, but then I lose the flow of gradients to earlier weights. I guess ...
user3023715's user avatar
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Problem with convergence of ReLu in MLP

I created neural network from scratch in python using only numpy and I'm playing with different activation functions. What I observed is quite weird and I would love to understand why this happens. ...
Bartosz Gardziński's user avatar
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How to implement a cascaded neural network in Keras where 1st NN's forward output is cloned twice to perform forward on the 2nd NN?

Using Keras, I am trying to reproduce a few basic results from a published paper. In this task, there are two neural networks - A & B, that are connected in a cascade formation, i.e. the output of ...
KKCS's user avatar
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Neural Network Loss Function - Mean Square Error: questions about what 'n' signifies

I'm very new to neural networks and have recently learnt about the loss functions used with neural networks. This question is in regards to the mean square error metric, defined as (from the textbook ...
Josh Lowe's user avatar
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Why the sigmoid activation function results in sub-optimal gradient descent?

I need some help understanding the second shortcoming of the sigmoid activation function as described in this video from Stanford. She says that because the output of sigmoid is always positive, that ...
Churchjm 's user avatar
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Why is it okay to set the bias vector up with zeros, and not the weight matrices?

We do not initialize weight matrices with zeros because the symmetry isn’t broken during the backward pass, and subsequently in the parameter updating process. But it is safe to set the bias vector up ...
truth's user avatar
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Backpropagation Mathematics with Sigmoid Output Activation and Cross Entropy Loss

I am deriving a Weight update for a simple toy network with a Sigmoid Output Layer. I need some help double checking my math to make sure I did it correctly. I am using Cross-Entropy Loss as my Loss ...
Coldchain9's user avatar
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How is the input gate in the LSTM learn?

How is the input gate neural network trained what to remember by propagating the error rate from predicting the next word in the language model? How does it help it to learn if it remembered the right ...
Drxxd's user avatar
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Back Propagation Vs Learning rate in Neuralnet Optimisation

I was doing some research on how backpropagation works? I read that, backpropagation is used to find the optimal weight of each neuron after every iteration using partial derivates and updates the ...
Jack Daniel's user avatar
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Convolution backpropagation

I'm in the progress to learn, and understand different neural networks. I pretty much understand now feed-forward neural networks, and back-propagation of them, and now learning convolutional neural ...
Gergő Horváth's user avatar
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Why my weights are being the same?

To understand how neural networks, and backpropagation are actually working, I've built a small program to do the calculations, but something is definitely wrong, as my weights are the same after ...
Gergő Horváth's user avatar
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In a neural network, is it possible to gradient descent with more than one input?

I went through a few tutorials, examples recently, and all (not sure if just for demonstration purposes) done gradient descent for one input. To get a deep understanding of backpropagation, I wrote a ...
Gergő Horváth's user avatar
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Help required in understanding how the error of a convolutional layer is calculated when filter and delta of next layer have differing dimensions

I am trying to implement a CNN in NumPy so as to better understand its inner workings My architecture is as follows 10 images with 1 channel and with 28-pixel rows and columns (Dimension : (...
adhok's user avatar
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How does Pytorch deal with non-differentiable activation functions during backprop?

I've read many posts on how Pytorch deal with non-differentiability in the network due to non-differentiable (or almost everywhere differentiable - doesn't make it that much better) activation ...
Norman's user avatar
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