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38 votes

How to adjust the hyperparameters of MLP classifier to get more perfect performance

If you are using SKlearn, you can use their hyper-parameter optimization tools. For example, you can use: GridSearchCV RandomizedSearchCV If you use GridSearchCV,...
Bruno Lubascher's user avatar
16 votes

How can I Implement Dropout in SciKit-Learn?

To implement this correctly you need to understand exactly how Dropout works, and where to change SciKit-Learn's MLPClassifier class to implement it. I'll start ...
Connor's user avatar
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14 votes

How do I get the feature importace for a MLPClassifier?

The short answer is that there is not a method in scikit-learn to obtain MLP feature importance - you're coming up against the classic problem of interpreting how model weights contribute towards ...
redhqs's user avatar
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10 votes

Why would one crossvalidate the random state number?

I personally think that the general idea of optimising your model with different random seeds is not a good idea. There are many other, more important, aspects of the modelling process that you can ...
n1k31t4's user avatar
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8 votes

Is a multi-layer perceptron exactly the same as a simple fully connected neural network?

Yes, a multilayer perceptron is just a collection of interleaved fully connected layers and non-linearities. The usual non-linearity nowadays is ReLU, but in the past sigmoid and tanh non-linearities ...
noe's user avatar
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5 votes

How to adjust the hyperparameters of MLP classifier to get more perfect performance

As a complement to the very practical answer of @BrunoGL, I'd like to give a more theoretical answer. I'd like to suggest everyone trying to adjust hyperparameters of a simple Neural Network to read ...
Lucas Morin's user avatar
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Why does the MAE still remain, at all?

There can be other reasons related to the model but the most simple explanation is that the data contains contradicting patterns: if the same features correspond to different target values, there is ...
Erwan's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the difference between multi-layer perceptron and generalized feed forward neural network?

Well you missed the diagram they provided for the GFNN. Here is the diagram from their page: Clearly you can see what the GFNN does, unlike MLP the inputs are applied to the hidden layers also. While ...
DuttaA's user avatar
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4 votes

Conceptual questions on MLP and Perceptrons

When the data is linearly inseparable, we use MLP. Here what is meant by "data"--is it the response or the input feature that is linearly inseparable? This means that a linear function of the input ...
zachdj's user avatar
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4 votes

Are weights of a neural network reset between epochs?

An epoch is not a standalone training process, so no, the weights are not reset after an epoch is complete. Epochs are merely used to keep track of how much data has been used to train the network. It'...
Valentin Calomme's user avatar
3 votes

More layers in NN give worse result

Maybe you are making a mistake, put your code here. But without seeing your code, these are possible points: Vanishing problem, I don't think you this problem due to having a very shallow network. ...
Green Falcon's user avatar
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3 votes

Neural Network Hidden Layer Selection

First try a simple model: The input layer and the output layers dimension are defined by your data / your problem definition. Then train a model without any hidden layer. See how good it performs. Is ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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3 votes

Why is the reported loss different from the mean squared error calculated on the train data?

That's because the square loss is defined as 0.5*MSE. See definition here:
user12075's user avatar
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Scikit model is not able to predict sequence correctly

I don't use Python so I can't tell you exactly what is going on but I had a quick look at your data: A few remarks: it looks like the vast majority of the points are created artificially by ...
Erwan's user avatar
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3 votes

Understanding computations of Perceptron and Multi-Layer Perceptrons on Geometric level

The two pictures you show illustrate how to interprete one perceptron and a MLP consisting of 3 layers. Let us discuss the geometry behind one perceptron first, before explaining the image. We ...
Graph4Me Consultant's user avatar
2 votes

How each layer of a neural net is responsible for one feature

... each layer of a neural network is responsible for recognizing one feature of the input data. For example, if we build a neural network that classifies cars, buses, vans and bicycles, a layer will ...
Green Falcon's user avatar
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2 votes

number of neurons for mnist dataset using mlp?

If you train long enough and have "too many" hidden layer units, then you will eventually have over-training. Usually, the goal is to find the smallest number of hidden units that can do reasonably ...
Doug Blank's user avatar
2 votes

Is the multilayer perceptron only able to accept 1d vector of input data? If yes, why is this so?

You could say every type of neural network gets 1d input data. It's just more convenient to think about 2d-CNNs taking 2d data because the convolution operation is best illustrated by moving squares ...
Imran's user avatar
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MLP conv layers

The term normally used to refer to "MLP conv layers" nowadays is 1x1 convolutions. 1x1 convolutions are normal convolutions, but their kernel size is 1, that is they only act on one position ...
noe's user avatar
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2 votes

Adding more layers decreases accuracy

The reason is that by adding more layers, you've added more trainable parameter to your model. You have to train it more. You should consider that MNIST data set is ...
Green Falcon's user avatar
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2 votes

Validation loss differs on GPU vs CPU

Since one could see there is no difference in the minmal loss value, this could well be an issue of differnce in floating point precision with respect to CPU and GPU. You should try to cross check ...
Sangathamilan Ravichandran's user avatar
2 votes

Why might a neural network consistently underestimate its target?

Consistently underestimating target could be due to the distribution of the target variable. If the target distribution has a negative-skew (i.e., a long tail towards lower values), then the neural ...
Brian Spiering's user avatar
2 votes

Interpreting MLP output

This looks like a case of the model outputting the probability of being in category 1. It then is up to you to decide on the cutoff. You give an example of an output of $(0.43, 0.56, 0.1, 0.8)$. If ...
Dave's user avatar
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2 votes

Coding MLP: good practices?

Would my code be faster if I rewrite it with matrices? Without seeing the code it's impossible to know, but very likely. Also, I would never model single neurons. Too much overhead without any use. ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
  • 19.2k
2 votes

How to utilize user feedback due to miss-classification when correct class label is unknown?

This can be accomplished by a modification to multi-class cross-entropy. We are faced with two types of supervision. First type is "data $i$ belongs to class $k$" denoted by $y_{ik}=1$, and second ...
Esmailian's user avatar
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The problem here is the input_shape argument you are using, firstly that is the wrong shape and you should only provide an input shape for your first layer. For ...
JahKnows's user avatar
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MLP Parameter tuning - gridsearchCV cannot fit?

Your max iteration values are strings. max_iter': ['200', '1000', '5000', '10000'] Try ...
grldsndrs's user avatar
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2 votes

how to access weights of individual Neurons in the output layers in MLPs?

I'm guessing you want something like this: model.layers[-1].get_weights()
Mnng's user avatar
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2 votes

how to access weights of individual Neurons in the output layers in MLPs?

The callback function can be used with model.layers[-1].get_weights() to get weights per iteration. ...
imtiaz ul Hassan's user avatar
2 votes

Different hidden layer architectures deliver the same classification results, is that normal?

There are several things I would like to mention : I do not think that much change on your architecture will impact a lot. Try comparing 10, 20, 50, 100 or more depth. Difference will be most likely ...
Yohanes Alfredo's user avatar

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