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Questions tagged [distribution]

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How does $\chi^2$ feature selection work?

I can't find the information how $\chi^2$ are used to select numerical features for a model. ...
James Flash's user avatar
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Can continuous dataset have negative values? [closed]

As in the description, I want to choose continuos dataset with temperatures and the minimun value is -40 and maximum is 51. Is that OK? Can we have negative values in continuous distribution?
heisenberg7584's user avatar
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Use of PYMC distribution.dist()

In pymc3 documentation, it specifies that the .dist() member for distribution allows the distribution to be used without a model for sampling and use of the logp functions e.g. ...
rocklegend's user avatar
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When to use t-distribution instead of normal distribution?

According to the Student's t-distribution wiki article the t-distribution is used instead of the Normal distribution "when estimating the mean of a normally distributed population in situations where ...
thinwybk's user avatar
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Why do train, test, validation datasets need to have the same distribution?

I've found a lot of martial on how to deal with differently distributed train/test/validation data sets, however I'm struggling to find out why they they need to have the same distribution. Can ...
zaza's user avatar
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Co-joining multi-peak histograms

I am analysing a bunch of data files which represent responsiveness of cells to addition of a drug. If a drug is not added, cell responds normally, if it is added, it shows abnormal patterns: , . We ...
Jericho Jones's user avatar
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Predicted and true values distributions comparison

Is this alarming when a distribution of predicted values differs from a distribution of true values? I use xgbregressor and get the following plots Usage of boxcox doesn't improve the case. My data ...
James Flash's user avatar
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difference between normal skewed distribution and skewed distribution [closed]

From what I've read normal skewed is a distribution that has all the properties of normal distribution and is skewed: according to this resource:
haneulkim's user avatar
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How to combine data having similar distribution?

I have a collection of time series data with data points of around 2 years of daily data. I am thinking of a way to increase the number of data points in it so that the neural network gets a better ...
vignesh_md's user avatar
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Is it possible to train probabilistic model to return several distributions?

I have nonlinear data of function y(x), which is let's say parabolic. At some points of x there are several y's (look at the picture). Is it possible to train a probabilistic model to return several ...
BatyaGG's user avatar
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Fitting a distribution to data

I have a large data set of property values at two points in time. I have calculated the change in value between those two points. I want to assess which distribution most closely matches the variation ...
TaxpayersMoney's user avatar
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How this visualisation was made?

I really like how this visualization represents the survey participants. Is any tool for that? (Or R/python library?)
Bálint Kőszegi's user avatar
9 votes
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xgboost: Is there a way to perform regression on rates/percentages data?

I have a dependent variable, $Y$, that is made up of rates/percentages data, so each value is between $0$ and $1$. I was attracted to the xgboost library because it allows focusing in on specific ...
Coolio2654's user avatar
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How to generate 12 independent random weights which all add up to one

I'm using Palisade's @Risk software with a triangular distribution to generate 12 random weights which must add up to one, but I get a lot of negative numbers. Is there a straightforward way to set ...
Angus's user avatar
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CUDA 8.0 is compatible with my GeForce GTX 670M Wikipedia says, but TensorFlow rises an error: GTX 670M's Compute Capability is < 3.0

According to Wikipedia, the GeForce GTX 670M has a Compute Capability of 2.1 (and a Fermi micro-architecture), which is confirmed by TensorFlow (I can read "2.1" in the error it rises). ...
JarsOfJam-Scheduler's user avatar
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Why do seaborn.dist and pyplot.hist generate two different looking histograms on the same data?

I'm looking at telecom customers data. Two of the variables I'm looking at currently are: Monthly Charges - The total amount charged to the customer monthly. Is Senior Citizen - Whether the customer ...
helloworld's user avatar
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Effect of skewness in data

I am preparing classification model. Many of numeric variables are positives skewed. Should I change a distribution of variables to be more Gaussian?
Dima's user avatar
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How do I fix mis-rendered matplotlib?

How do I correct my data or format it so that it is presentable, and fix my graphs? Dataset is 345551 rows × 7 columns. I am using numpy, pandas, seaborn and matplot lib. It seems that my pricing ...
davidmaceachern's user avatar
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A2C Continuous for Pendulum-v0 working implementation, negation for loss and entropy calculation

very good implementation of A2C continuous for Pendulum-v0 Code has snippet to stop execution when mean of last 10 or 20 is higher than -20 but the results look like: ...
mLstudent33's user avatar
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How to scale or standardize data that is mostly 0 (ranges from 0-1)?

I am relatively new to data science and big data munging in general. I currently have various columns of data that range from $0-1$, but most of the values in each ...
StonedTensor's user avatar
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F-test for comparing the mean of two groups

What would be the procedure, in terms of F-test, if I would like to check if the mean of one group is greater than the other group (alternative hypothesis: $\mu_1 > \mu_2$)? And also what would ...
Dishant Kothia's user avatar
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Plotting Weibull distribution on Wind Speed

I have a 720 hourly set of wind speed and wind direction data and I want to fit the Weibull Distribution on it. After searching for some time, I wrote the following code in Python to get my ...
cwanderroycbooks's user avatar
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how to check the distribution of the training set and testing set are similar

I have been playing the Kaggle Competition and I find there is a situation that the distribution of the training set and testing set are different, so I am wondering how to check the distribution of ...
Bowen Peng's user avatar
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Distribution of error values in linear regression vs logistic regression

Why do error values in linear regression have to be normally distributed and why not in logistic regression?
Kartik Singh's user avatar
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How to create a prediction interval with the fact that the residuals follow a specific distribution (in python)

I am looking at a software development pipeline where I am predicting the lead time of different products flowing through the pipeline. After applying a boxcox transformation on the lead time (...
kspr's user avatar
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Normal distribution instead of Logistic distribution for classification

Logistic regression, based on the logistic function $\sigma(x) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-x)}$, can be seen as a hypothesis testing problem. Where the reference distribution is the standard Logistic ...
HOANG GIANG's user avatar
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How to visualize change in a distribution with a few outliers that account for a very large percent of the total?

I'm working on an edtech product where some of our traffic lands on webpages about textbooks. Textbooks belong to subjects like Algebra, Calculus and Spanish. In each of our subjects, we have "...
samthebrand's user avatar
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Clustering by Distributions of Groups of observations

I have data as shown below. Like the groups shown A,B,C.. there are roughly 5400 groups of data and 15 observations for every group (I sampled 6-7 for each group and pasted them here). ...
Foolish Frog's user avatar
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How to elegantly caclulate probability distribution parameters for a particular random variable given some observed data?

I am using bnlearn package and R to learn Bayesian Network structure and also fit it using Maximum Likelihood estimation(MLE). uses MLE to learn[as i understand] a generalized probability ...
Sultan1991's user avatar
6 votes
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How can I plot/display a dataset or an image distribution?

I want to view a specific image or a dataset's distribution, and see if they are different. Does simply writing something like : ...
Hossein's user avatar
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Two-sample K–S test Kolmogorov–Smirnov test in Python

For my evaluation, I have three different time-series data of the following format with different characterstics where the first column is timestamp and the second column is the value. ...
Brown's user avatar
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Probability Distribution of the Process Duration Time based on the Process Status Measurements

I have data of execution of several processes. Each execution is identified by the process_id. The duration of the execution is measured by external agents, testing ...
Marmite Bomber's user avatar
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How to predict whether or not a customer will renew

I have a dataset of customer contracts that specify a start date and if applicable an end date. Each month a customer is up for renewal. Below is an example of how the data is organized in excel: <...
Geometric's user avatar
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KL divergence in VAE

If I understand correctly KL-divergence is relative entropy of two distributions. To calculate KL divergence of two distributions, you would need two vectors of random variables. What I do not ...
Stenga's user avatar
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How to check the similarity between two transition matrixes

I have two transition matrixes in which the probabilities for the transition between each from state to each to states are ...
Unni's user avatar
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Standard Deviation for Z-scores

I have a set of data that I'm trying to generate a z-score with. I know I need standard deviation as part of my calculations. I am using the formula of: $\sigma = \sqrt{p * n * (1-p)}$ My data is ...
I_Play_With_Data's user avatar
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Generating a set of different scenarios based on some initial observations

I have a in my hands 3 different time series which model 3 different scenarios (base, downside, upside). Every of this time-series depends on a set of 11 different attributes, which take values for ...
Dimits's user avatar
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Maximum likelihood estimation vs calculating distribution parameters "manually"

I'm sorry for asking probably elementary question, but I cannot understand how estimating probability distribution parameters using maximum likelihood estimation method differs from calculating these ...
user60175's user avatar
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What Does the Normalization Factor Mean in the AdaBoost Algorithm?

I am studying the AdaBoost algorithm. The update rule for a weak hypothesis is: $Dt+1(i) = Dt(i)exp(−αtyiht(xi))/zt $ where $zt$ is a normalization factor chosen so that $Dt+1$ is a distribution. ...
Sagar Dhungel's user avatar
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Calculate whether datapoints are part of a larger distribution

I have some normally distributed variables (~800) and some variables that are in some way special (~30). I need to find out whether the special ones can be considered normal members of the ...
Huang_d's user avatar
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How often do we see normally distributed data

I am having difficulty in exactly understanding several statistical tests, such as the t-test and ANOVA test. These tests require that the data we use be normally distributed. However, whilst ...
user2552108's user avatar
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How to get maintenance interval from maintenance outcomes?

I have a machine, which needs maintenance. Every time the technician visits the machine, there are four possible outcomes: a) The machine is broken, b) The machine is still running, but it's high ...
ChAlbert's user avatar
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Binomial family in logistic regression

I was asked in an interview why do we use the binomial distribution in logistic regression and how is it related to the class that we are predicting? Could anyone explain, without any mathematical ...
Tejas Bawaskar's user avatar
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On Noise Contrastive Estimation, replace noise distribution with difficult examples

In noise contrastive estimation, we learn a binary classifier to classify noise from the true distribution. The problem I'm trying to solve has discrete input variables yet it's intractable to sum ...
Fadi Bakoura's user avatar
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Wasserstein distance between Gaussian and the empirical distribution

Wasserstein distance between two gaussians has a closed form solution. Does the same hold for the distance between a Gaussian with a fixed variance(say 1) and the empirical data distribution? ...
user3838440's user avatar
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Supervised learning for variable length feature-less data

I have data in following form: ...
rnso's user avatar
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Does classification of a balanced data-set lead to any problem?

So I came across a bioinformatics paper, where I found a line which says: One potential problem with using a training set with equal numbers of positive and negative examples in cross-validation ...
girl101's user avatar
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can I say that my variable is "approximately" normally distributed?

I am studying a variable on 50000 observations, I have applied a cox box transformation to make it normal, but even with transformation the kolmogorov smirnof and the anderson darling test tells that ...
youngam's user avatar
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Feature has a pattern in relation to class but does not enhance classifier to predict class

I have a feature x that when I plot it again my class variable y it shows some sort of pattern, i.e. it is obvious that x has a relation with y, but when I add the x to my logistic model it reduce the ...
keramat's user avatar
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Algorithms that would benefit from variable transformations?

1- Which algorithms would benefit from data that has been transformed, so that distributions of continuous variables resemble that of a normal distribution ? 2- What would be the benefits of ...
Gale's user avatar
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